FMT Workshop
22 - 26 November 2010, Ica, Peru
Organised by Geophysical Institute of Peru, National University "San Luis Gonzaga" of Ica, Kwasan and Hida Observatories of Kyoto University and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
The Ica Solar Station is a new national facility which will observe the Sun with the first Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT) installed outside Japan as part of CHAIN project. The science target of the FMT is to monitor solar flares and erupting filaments continuously all over the solar disk and to investigate the correlation between the characteristics of the erupting phenomena and the geoeffectiveness of the corresponding CMEs.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the prospective user community of FMT to explore current and future science perspectives of solar observations. Furthermore, this workshop will also give an introduction to HINODE data reduction and analysis and talks related to solar physics.
The official language of the workshop will be English.
November 3rd, 2010
Financial Support
Second Announcement
The 1st Latin American Workshop on FMT (Flare Monitoring Telescope) will be held in Ica, Peru.
The focus of this workshop will be scientific and technical advances in Solar Physics, in particular looking toward the future role of peruvian FMT as part of Continuous H-alpha Imaging Network (CHAIN) project.
The workshop will be five days in duration.
For more infornation visit the Scientific Programme:
The SOC for the workshop is:
Prof. Kazunari Shibata (Director of Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof. Takashi Sakurai (Vice Director General of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Dr. Satoshi Morita (Hida Observatory, Kyoto University, Japan)
Dr. Satoru Ueno (Hida Observatory, Kyoto University, Japan)
Invited speakers are:
Prof. Kazunari Shibata
Dr. Satoshi Morita
Dr. Yoshi Suematsu
Dr. Yoichiro Hanaoka
Dr.Jean Pierre Raulin
Dr. Pierre Kaufmann
To register for the workshop, go to
Contributed papers are encouraged and the SOC will be producing the program based on the invited and contributed papers.
To receive further announcements about this meeting, please send an email to
José Ishitsuka
LOC (Chair)
First Announcement
he Ica Solar Station is a new national facility which will observe the
Sun with the first Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT) installed outside
Japan as part of CHAIN project. The science target of the FMT is to
monitor solar flares and erupting filaments continuously all over the
solar disk and to investigate the correlation between the characteristics
of the erupting phenomena and the geoeffectiveness of the corresponding
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the prospective user
community of FMT to explore current and future science perspectives of
solar observations. Furthermore, this workshop will also give an
introduction to HINODE data reduction and analysis and talks related to
solar physics.
The First Latin American FMT (Flare Monitoring Telescope) Workshop will
take place at Ica, Peru on November 22 - 26, 2010.
The workshop will include labs for students, conference talks, and an
option for a day excursion.
The scientific program of the workshop will include the following topics:
* Astrophysics with FMT
* FMT data reduction
* HINODE data reduction
Financial Support
We expect to have some funding available to provide financial support
especially for Young scientists. Participants who wish to request
financial support should state that in the registration form. The
Participants will be notified as soon as possible.
For abstract submission: August 22, 2010
For financial support: August 30, 2010
For early registration: October, 22 2010
Registration at our website is already available.
In order to receive future announcements, please go to our website and
fill out the registration form:
José Ishitsuka
LOC (Chair)